Hailey Industries LLC is an auto-supplier specializing in tire repair kits. They ship domestically and internationally, and use TrustedLink Windows® as their value added network to exchange information with trading partners. In 2001, e-SupplyLink got the call from them looking for a way to organize their shipping process. As an OEM tier 1 supplier, Hailey Industries needed an organized, user-friendly database to keep track of orders.
Hailey Industries needed to keep manufacturers and their orders organized, while keeping customers updated on the progress of the order through Hailey Industries’s EDI platform. Their EDI platform varies in each division like service, logistics and domestic, so it was crucial to make switching between divisions 100 percent hassle-free. Companies who often use a multi-division approach can often encounter mistakes with orders. Having to constantly enter order numbers, UPCs, quantities and packing instructions each time an order progresses can lead to typos resulting in order errors. It’s kind of like playing the game telephone as a kid; information is altered and the message is transposed. To avoid this, the search for an automated solution commenced.
e-SupplyLink quickly got to work and installed ComplyLink onto Hailey Industries’s server. Our automated B2B shipping solution integrates with Opentext’s TrustedLink Windows EDI to communicate 830s and 862s into ComplyLink, and 856 ASNs back to the client. This is the organization they needed to keep orders separate and other divisions accurately advised on it’s progress. Hailey Industries uses a supply tech exchange scan that allows them to quickly scan products into containers, automatically updating ComplyLink, and therefore, updates the other divisions. This process expedites packing processes and fulfills orders faster. Having a database that integrates with an EDI platform allows Hailey Industries’s clients to send 830 material releases and 862 ship schedules to HI LLC through ComplyLink and in return ComplyLink prints the appropriate PDF417 labels for mixed, master and loose containers.
Hailey Industries logistics became organized and successful because they invested in automation. Clients’ expectations were becoming higher and orders needed to be filled faster. There was no time to manually enter data at every single stop in the supply chain. So with ComplyLink all they need to do is scan the barcode to pull up information and eventually print the PDF417 labels for their containers.